Products Usage
Everyone's protein requirement is different. Age, sex, activity level and physical stress are the primary factors to consider when determining how much protein and other nutrients your body needs on a daily basis.
Protica's nutritional products provide essential nutrition for both men and women, from teenagers to seniors, irrespective of your current lifestyle and regardless of your diet or transformation goals. To achieve optimal results, our products should be used according to these variables.
Generally, one of the following products should be consumed two or three times each day with your meals or snacks to provide supplemental protein to your diet.
Profect® (25g version)
Profect® (50g version); 1/2 of vial contents
Profect® (200g multiserving); one serving
Protein Gem™
Protein Twist™
The products above may also be taken as a between-meal snack. These products may also be used to occassionally replace a meal, but they should not replace all meals. They generally can be used as an alternative to breakfast or lunch.
Fruitasia™ is used to provide the body with fruits and vegetables required each day. One or two vials per day is suggested.
Specifically, our products should be incorporated into your nutritional regimen based on the parameters of age, sex, activity level, transformation goals and special circumstances. These parameters help determine your body's macro- and micro-nutrient needs and allow you to determine how our producs can best support your dietary regimen.
You do not have to alter your current diet in order to benefit from Protica's products. Each of our products -- from Profect to Fruitasia -- is engineered to complement and fortify any diet and satisfy protein and micro-nutrient needs, regardless of dietary regimen.