Diet & Nutrition

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What is "basal metabolic rate"?
Your BMR, or basal metabolic rate, is the rate at which energy is used by your body at complete rest, measured by the heat given off per unit time, and expressed as the calories released per kilogram of body weight per hour. In other words, it is a measure of the number of calories your body needs to maintain its current weight. A simple formula used to estimate your BMR follows

Daily BMR = (body weight)/2.2 x 24

Is it possible to take too many vitamins or minerals?
The U.S. Recommended Daily Intake (USRDI) sets the minimum standard for vitamin and mineral intake. In practice, the human body needs more than the USRDI for most vitamins and minerals. Factors that impact the body's requirements include age, sex, activity level and pre-existing conditions. Another factor is water-soluble vs. fat-soluble vitamins. Excess fat-soluble vitamins can accumulate in the body, whereas water-soluble vitamins, such as Vitamin C and all the B vitamins are regularly flushed from the body. Profect addresses this important distinction by only containing a careful balance of water-soluble vitamins.

What is Ion Exchanged whey?
The term Ion Exchanged refers to a filtering process involved in isolating whey protein. This process removes the lactose and fat from the whey. Typical analysis reveals that this process yields a very high amount of undenatured protein, leaving a product that has a low molecular weight that is easier to digest and assimilate.

How much protein do I need to take? What should I notice after taking a protein supplement?
Protein intake is backed with the support of clinical research. There are now numerous studies showing the need for protein supplementation for positive nitrogen balance during aerobic and anaerobic (resistance training) exercise. Top exercise physiologists recommend up to 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day. Of the three primary nutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fat), protein is the only nutrient that we are unable to live without. The human body needs a constant supply of protein to build and repair the living tissue. Many top sports nutritionists agree that the RDA for protein intake which was set based on non active individuals, does not contain any additional allowance for individuals exercising regularly. Increased protein helps keep the body in a positive nitrogen balance, necessary for muscle growth and fat loss. Additional protein intake also helps counteract the accelerated oxidation of amino acids caused by the metabolic needs of exercise.

If I don't lift weights do I still need to drink protein? When is the best time to consume protein?
One of the biggest problems with the diet of Americans is starting the day out with a high carbohydrate breakfast like cereal, grains, bagels and breads. Proteins should always be added to any carbohydrate meal to slow down the conversion of carbohydrates to glucose. Carbohydrates are the body's preferred fuel source, but excess can lead to a build up of blood sugar in the body, which is ultimately sent through a pathway that converts carbohydrates to fat.

Is protein supplementation essential for other sports? (i.e. golf, tennis, basketball)
All sports involve muscle catabolism (breakdown). Protein is essential even for persons not involved in activity. Insufficient protein intake forces the body to cannibalize its own muscle (protein-tissue).

I heard whey is the best source of protein. Why aren't all protein products using just whey protein?
Many high quality protein drinks and bars contain whey protein as their principal source of protein. The best protein-based products will contain more than one source of protein, such as milk protein, calcium casienate, whey and wheat protein, for a complete amino acid profile. Our research has shown that combining proteins is key to optimizing protein supplementation.

What does biological value mean, and how does it relate to Profect?
The quality of protein can be measured many different ways including: Biological Value (BV), Net Protein Utilization and Protein Efficiency Ratio. The advantages of BV is that it measures the efficiency of protein utilization as well as digestibility.

Do I get enough protein from the food I eat?
Whether or not you get enough protein from your diet depends on the food choices you make. A diet heavy in red meat, fish and chicken may provide you with plenty of protein, depending on quality and food preparation. Whey protein supplementation is simply a way to get the same quality amino acids more conveniently and with fewer calories, not to mention the high fat and high chemical residue often found in red meat, fish and chicken.

How does 25 grams of protein compare to other protein sources?
The following foods contain approximately 25 grams of protein:

Chicken - 3 ounces of lean chicken breast

Tuna - 3.5 ounces of tuna

Steak - 4 ounces of lean porterhouse steak

Milk - 3 cups of milk

When choosing foods that are high in protein, you should try to select lean, low fat sources. Many foods that are excellent protein sources are also high in fat, especially saturated fat, which has been associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease.

How do I know if other protein drinks or bars use high quality protein or not?
The FDA says that any manufacturer which makes a bar with a protein claim (for example, "Now with 33g of protein," "High Protein Bar," etc.) must list the percent Daily Value (%DV) on the back of its package. The % DV tells you how much of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for protein the bar is providing. The FDA currently recommends 50g of protein per day.

To determine if a bar contains high quality protein, take a look at the Nutrition Facts panel on the back of the wrapper. There will be a row that lists the total grams of protein contained in that bar. Legally, there should also be a % DV listed next to the total number of grams.

If the bar does have a % DV listed, you can determine if the protein is high quality by the following method: Take the total number of protein grams (for example - 33g) and divide that by the FDA's RDA for protein of 50g. The % DV then should be 66%. If the % DV listed on the bar is lower, then the protein is not high quality. If your bar does not have a % DV listed, be cautious because that may also indicate that the protein is of poor quality.

What are the differences between a protein isolate and a protein concentrate?
An isolate is a protein source where the protein has been separated from the other constituents of the original protein source, such as fat, lactose and dietary fiber. Therefore isolates are a purer form of protein than the original protein source.

Protein concentrates are basically the whole, original protein source with the water removed. As a result, a concentrate is a less pure form of protein since it still contains the fat, lactose, and dietary fiber that were in the original source.

In general, an isolate has a higher percentage of protein than a concentrate. Isolates should contain at a minimum 90% protein, whereas concentrates can be as low as 30% protein.

What does "hydrolyzed" mean?
Protein is considered "hydrolyzed" if it has undergone a deliberate, enzymatic process to reduce the large protein molecules into smaller counterparts known as short-chain peptides. Peptides are special because they are easily digested and assimilated by the body, but they are also special in that they are resistant to denaturing. Denaturing is a phenomenon where the bonds within protein molecules are randomly broken and disrupted by either pH fluctuations, the application of heat, or the introduction of chemicals. Denatured proteins are difficult for the body to digest and use. A visual indication that the protein in Profect has not denatured is its clarity. If the liquid is translucent, then the protein is not denatured.

Is there a problem with eating a meal consisting only of protein?
By definition, a single macronutrient--be it protein, carbohydrates or fat--cannot entirely makeup a meal. it is not recommended that any primary meal (i.e. breakfast, lunch or dinner) be replaced with a single macronutrient. However, in lieu of skipping a meal, eating protein has several benefits over pure carbohydrates or fat. First, protein helps maintain the body's metabolism via the digestive pathway. Second, it helps the body maintain a positive nitrogen balance, which helps prevent entering a catabolic state. Third, the human body is very resourceful in that it can convert protein into other macronutrients (i.e carbohydrates and fats) as necessitated by the body.

Doesn't the body need carbohydrates or fats?
Absolutely. The body requires a balanced ratio of all three macronutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats. However, there are different types and grades of fats, proteins and carboydrates which you should be aware of when selecting foods to eat. For example, some fats are better than others, which include those primarily made of polyunsatured and monounsatured fats. These fats include flax oil, hemp seed oil, borage oil, olive oil, etc. Carbohydrates are also available in different "grades" and are measured according to the Glycemic Index (GI). The GI ranks carbohydrates according to the rate at which they are broken down into glucose by the body. As a general rule, carbohydrates with a relatively low GI, such as brown rice or raw vegetables, are a better energy source than carbohydates with a hgh GI, such as simple sugars.

What is the recommended macronutrient ratio?
There are several theories on the correct proportion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In general, the body requires all three macronutrients to perform basic and vital functions. However, each person's individual requirements may be different based on factors including activity level, genetics, age, etc. For most people, an equal balance of calories from each macronutrient is recommended. An example would be a meal consisting of 25 grams of protein (100 calories), 25 grams of carbohydrates (100 calories) and 11 grams of fat (99 calories).

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